Devesh Ranjan


Dr. Devesh Ranjan is an Associate Professor and J. Erskine Love Jr. Faculty Fellow in the GWW School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech. He was previously a director's research fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory (2008) and Morris E Foster Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering department at Texas A&M University (2009-2014). He earned a bachelor's degree from the NIT-Trichy (India) in 2003, and master's and Ph.D. degrees from the UW-Madison in 2005 and 2007 respectively, all in mechanical engineering. His research program focuses on the shock-driven mixing and combustion, the physics of hydrodynamic instabilities, and advanced power conversion cycles. He is a recipient of National Science Foundation CAREER Award and US AFOSR Young Investigator Award in 2013. He was the first Georgia Tech recipient of the DOE-Early Career Award in 2016. His group has published more than 100 papers in journals and conferences. He was an invited participant in the 2016 National Academy of Engineering’s US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium. He was the Joint-Secretary for the International Shock Wave Institute and served as the co-chair for the 29 th International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW). He is currently an Associate Editor of ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering and serves on the Editorial board of Shock Waves (Publisher-Springer & Verlag). Currently he is the member of External Affairs Committee of APS-Division of Fluid Dynamics. He has received several awards for his efforts and effectiveness in teaching, including CATERPILLAR Teaching Excellence Award, Texas A&M ASME Professor Mentorship Award and recently named 2018-2020 Provost Teaching and Learning Fellow.